Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Tomorrow, tomorrow. I love you, tomorrow. =))

1 hour and 30 minutes to finish the time line. @-) As of 6:00 PM. =))
Javi: Well, guys, we've got until 6 AM for the timeline. Yeahp. 6 AM. Let's do awesome, Ilang! :>

Oh, we only few stuff for tomorrow. Study for Physics long test, about everything since lesson 1. Can someone teach me cases 1 to 4. D: Bring your lab gown tomorrow for Bio. And and, flag cem tomorrow. Ispisyal, so we should go. :)) 7:00 AM.

Other reminders:
  • English - Do I have to repeat it again? :)) Like The Molave, dramatic monologue, long test.
  • Chem - Problem set 2 is due next week, I forgot when. :)) Lab report on the Flame Test is due next Tuesday, September 21. Continue reading the handout and the book, for Friday.
  • Soc Sci - Summary of inputs is due on Friday.
  • Filipino - News reporting groupwork on Friday.
-- Senatinzz! ;)

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