Monday, September 6, 2010

Homeworkss. ? @-)

Okay, advanced homeworks. =))
  • SocSci - YAY WE WON'T ANY LOAD FOR THIS WEEK. \:D/ But the timeline will push through, so have your list for phases 1, 2 and 3 ready by next week. AND PLEASE ENCODE, I BEG. WTH.
  • English - Dramatic monologue on the last week of September. Long test on Bamboo In The Wind on the fourth week of September. Please confirm this ah.
  • Filipino - The seatwork kanina. It is due Wednesday. Camille will post the questions. :))
  • Comp Sci - Quiz on Thursday. I KNOW IT'S ON THURSDAY! =)) Please correct if I'm wrong.
  • Chem - Portfolioooo. Due one week before the perio. :)
  • Bio - Camille's posting it. =)) The deadline's on Thursday. Anddd quiz on Wednesday about the theories on the origin of life.
It's depressingggg, my curfew is raised to 8PM 'cause of my graaaades. :( K'BYE. =)) :D
-- Senatinzz! ;)

1 comment:

  1. yung alam ko, wee're gonna discuss likre a mulato tom, acc to gian + christine.
