Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I haven't posted for lots of days, sorry. :))

I'M GETTING TO THE POINT. =)) This is late.
  • English - Defend the one you picked. You should prove that he should be saved. :))
  • Filipino - Puppet show! Please be ready.
  • Chemistry - Long test tomorrow! Study stoichiometry [BALANCING EQUATIONS IS NOT INCLUDED. Dagdag kaalaman lamang galing sa Sineskwela. ;) copyrightsirmontales.] until limiting reagent and percent yield.
  • Biology - Report on your topic dun sa origin of life. Though I'm not sure if this will push through because of the scholarship meeting. Just be ready.
  • PLEASE WATCH THE VIDEO OF OUR DANCE. So you'll have an idea. This is urgent. LINK! Choreographers, sana maturo niyo na yung dance sa groups by tomorrow or Thursday 'cause we have to perform in Filipino on Friday.
-- Senats. ;) Inform if I lack info.

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