Tuesday, June 22, 2010

For June 23, 2010. :>

Hey! This is my first post, so I'm kinda excited. =)) And I'm tired 'cause of PE. Haha. Anyway, let's get to the point.

HAHA, POST VANDALIZED BY JAVI (to make it more organized and to add CompSci)
edit: REVANDALIZED by javi, again. for trebuchets.
So these are the stuff for tomorrow. @-)
  • English - We have a quiz. Study all the handouts. That's what Sir Mark said. :))
  • Filipino - Read El Fili! Just in case we'll have a graded recitation.
  • Chemistry - Long brown envelope for the quiz, long tests, and the other stuff. Labeled, okay. First line: I-*insertclassnumberhere*. Second line: LAST NAME, INITIALS. Use markers; no ballpens, pencils, etc. :))
  • SocSci - Get the article thing sir said in his blog if you forgot to have it xeroxed. (http://sirmartin.wordpress.com) We need it tomorrow. And read, read, read! As far as I know, we'll have a graded recitation tomorrow. Maybe even a quiz if he returns our quizzes. =))
  • Algeb - Homework 4. Page 425; numbers 22, 26, 28, 30, 36, 38, 40, 44, 46, 50. Page 430; numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18. (Just in case you lost or gave your copy of homework 3. :D) Items in page 425 should be answered using the quadratic formula, and items in page 430 should be answered using completing the square.
  • Tech Skills - Trebuchet! We should be able to make 1 trebuchet that can reach 10 feet by now.
  • Geom - Problem Set 2-6 in 1 whole sheet of paper. Pages 42-43; numbers 3, 8, 10, 11, 12, 16, 21, 25. Follow Ma'am Kiel's SOP. :D We also have a quiz tomorrow about Points, Lines, Planes, and the postulates and theorems we studied. And don't forget to look at your groupings for the geom song in ma'am's blog! (http://geomqueen.tumblr.com)
  • CompSci!
  1. What is a flowchart?
  2. What is a pseudocode?
  3. What are the symbols used in a program flowchart?
  4. In C++, what are variables? What are the rules applied to variables and identifiers?
  5. Check out http://www.cplusplus.com/

    I hope this helps. @-) And don't forget the art projects. The folding-accordion-thing book is due on Friday. Don't cram, okay. :) The interview's due next Friday.

    So yeah. Let's go Ilang-ilang! =))
    -- Senats! :)
    Vandalized by Javi. :P


    1. ntamaan aq sa algeb ahh.
      "to those who lost their copy of hw3. . ."
      alyssa ah

    2. hahaha, ang galing naman ni alyssa, hahaa
